About KC GOH

Introducing KC Goh, a Stock Investment Guide Educator

KC Goh, also known as Sifu KC Goh (pen name Zhong Guan Tao), is a seasoned veteran in the Malaysian stock market with 30 years of experience. He is the main contributor to the www.stock369.net website, which is known for its “Soaring Stock Strategy”. There was a period when he wrote a stock column in the economic edition of Nanyang Business Daily under the name Zhong Tao.

About KC Goh:

  • Currently a stockbroker with 30+ years of experience in stock market
  • Creator of the unique stock investment tool: KC AI MCM Winner's Secret Tool, launched in June 2023
  • Provides stock investment courses, stock market expert practical training courses, and stock technical analysis
  • Provides a stock selection software specially designed for stock market traders: KC Shares Formulas: An Automatic Stock Picker Cloud Software
  • Currently Writes a stock column at https://9shares.my/ 
  • Currently Contributes Stocks Analysis Column at Sin Chew Daily Newspaper  and https://www.sinchew.com.my/
  • Has held stock lectures and seminars, estimated to have over 500+ sessions
  • Provided stock reviews and market analysis on 988 radio every Monday morning at 8 o’clock sharp (2008-2018)
  • Best-selling author of “Stock Market Big Winner”, senior stockbroker, stock blogger author
  • Currently the main writer for the “Soaring Stock Strategy” in www.stock369.net website, providing selected stock analysis and stock reviews.
  • Often comments on stocks in The Edge newspaper and is a stock market outlook commentator for Nikkei Foreign News

KC Goh was born in Penang, Malaysia, and graduated from Chung Ling High School.

After working as a journalist for Kwong Wah and Shin Min Daily for 11 years, he went to the United States for further studies and obtained a degree in Business Administration from Hawaii Pacific University in 1991.

In 2006, he obtained a Master of Business Administration from The University of Southern Queensland in Australia.

He is a stockbroker. He is also a columnist for newspapers and business magazines, a stock market forecasting expert and corporate consultant.

From 1994 to the present, he has written no less than 2 million words of manuscripts in the stock column of Guangming Daily. He is keen on studying the “Book of Changes”, Five Elements, and Feng Shui, and has unique insights and practical experience. 

Guru KC GOH 2023

You can follow me in social media platform here: (in Chinese) https://stocks369.com/

💰 吴老师脸书 KC GOH Facebook:KC GOH https://www.facebook.com/kc.goh.52
吴老师的脸书专页 Facebook Page: KLSE Winner - 股市大大赢家: https://www.facebook.com/www.stock369.net 飙股兵法: https://www.facebook.com/stock369.net/
KC GOH's special FB group "The most profitable way to buy stocks" (you need to apply for approval to join, click the link below to apply)
吴老师的KC GOH tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kcgoh369 💰订阅吴老师的Youtube频道: 《KC GOH 大马股票点评和股票技术分析》 https://www.youtube.com/@KCGOHSharesFormulas/ 《KC GOH 吴老师 股票投资教育频道》 https://www.youtube.com/@kcgoh3369/

KC GOH's Website & Blogs:
🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆
要在股市保持长胜,建议必须通过不间断的学习,有心在股市获取被动收入者,可以询问吴老师的『股市达人实战课程』,『KC自动选股神器云端软件系统配套』 及KC AI MCM 赢家神器
📲 请电话询问:+6012-6597910 / +6019-5213439

To maintain a long-term success in the stock market, it is recommended that those who are interested in obtaining passive income in the stock market through uninterrupted learning can ask us about KC GOH's "Stock Market Expert Practical Course", "KC Automatic Stock Selection Formulas Cloud Software System Package" and "KC AI MCM Winner's Secret Tool".
📲 Please contact us: +6012-6597910 / +6019-5213439
💬 You can also direct message Guru KCGoh on WhatsApp:  https://wa.me/60126597910
The Stock Market Winners' Tools: ❤️ 股市达人实战课程

The Practical Trader: Expert Insights into Profitable Stock Trading


❤️ KC自动选股神器云端软件系统配套 KC Automatic Stock Pick Formulas Cloud Software System Package : https://stocks369.com/stockselectiontool/

❤️ KC AI MCM 赢家神器买卖讯号系统 "KC AI MCM Winner's Secret Tool"

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